使用ツール:MV (v 1.6.2)
I'm sorry, My Japanese is not good, so I can only explain in English.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful and useful plugin!
I found a possible bug.
If it's not a bug, I'm very sorry about it.
When I use these scripts
$gameVariables.setValue(1,$gameMap.event(this.eventId()).y - $gamePlayer.y),
Theses ''QuestFlagIcon'' disappear.
Like this
And When player is walking, theses ''QuestFlagIcon'' are flashing.
Like this
Yes,my settings are like your settings.
But,トリガ一 is Parallel.
Thank you for yor help.
I want to check distance between player and event by these script.
In the end, I hope to make some skills and missions in arpg.